Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Sorry, Got These Sacks

If ever I'm feeling glum, there's nothing better than a really ridiculous SNL Deep Thought by Jack Handey to pick me up.
Lately, it seems to me if Finny could choose his favorite Deep Thought it would be this one:
To me, it's a good idea to always carry two sacks of something when you walk around. That way, if anybody says, "Hey, can you give me a hand?" You can say, "Sorry, got these sacks."
Finny, like Jack, does not travel anywhere these days unless he has something in each hand. In fact, he's almost totally forfeited the use of his hands in favor of just having a really solid grip on something at all times. You'll notice in the picture above that Finny, unwilling to drop his two plastic pals, is attempting to open his favorite tupperware cabinet with his teeth. You should also know that neither doll was dropped in his upward climb to get there. The climb was accomplished with the help of the rubber traction marks on the bottom of his socks and the complete use of his forearms and head. No fingers or pick axes were utilized. You should also know that his sole purpose in making the climb was to open this cabinet to find more things he could grip in each hand.
For the most part, it is wildly amusing to see him crawl across the house on his forearms, grip his sippie cup between his wrists, and pull himself up with his teeth. It only gets a little irritating when I'm trying to carry groceries in or carry the laundry up the stairs and I say, "Hey, can you give me a hand?" and he says,
"Sorry, I got these two dolls," or "Sorry, I got these two lids," or "Sorry, I got this measuring cup and gravy filter."
Then, I start to get a little ticked.

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